Harnessing technology

The digital revolution new generation of consumers who want ever more accessible, portable, flexible, customized products, services and experiences. They expect it to happen just-in-time and to move – seamlessly – between their physical and virtual worlds. And to get what they want they’re ready to disclose any information about themselves.

Technology has transformed the workplace. Providing the tools to enable people to work just about anywhere, anytime; affording more power in the hands of employees than has ever before, and eliminating the organization’s “four walls” as collaborative networks replace conventional corporate methods of operating.

This revolution underpinned by; the social, mobile, analytic and cloud technologies are producing numerous opportunities for companies to generate value in entirely different ways – and even, redefining the businesses they’re in. The opportunities are not just limited to the conservative corporate spheres of activity. Equipped with new technologies, companies will be able to solve complex social problems, profitably.

How does this affect you?

An increasing number of businesses are embracing ‘disruptive’ technologies – even – investing in; social media, mobile devices, cloud computing and big data to engage with customers in innovative ways and gather insights for developing and marketing new offerings more effectively.

Considering the speed at which technologies are progressing – makes it – difficult for businesses to capitalize on it. Some businesses are also not sure about how to use their collected data. As it’s too easy to end up on the “wrong side” and become casualty instead of a pioneer. As more and more businesses collaborate – makes it – much harder to find good allies.

For many businesses – to overcome – and deal with implications resulted from workplace transformation. Will have to provide digital tools for training employees who don’t pursue traditional career paths. More importantly – to adopt a more independent management style attracting the “digital natives” and employ senior directors that are highly skilled at assembling and managing teams.