Right talent

Finding and retaining right talent and simultaneously managing costs is a constant challenge for businesses worldwide regardless to size or sector. The competition for talent is as vicious as ever, as the global population ages, and the nature of work changes, businesses look for the skills they need to grow.

Increasing number of organizations are straggling to make informed plans and decisions – as they lack the sort of information they require for it – i.e., returns on investment in human capital, staff productivity and employees’ assessments.

How does this affect you?

Undertaking such challenge successfully involves implementing a more strategic approach, based on a powerful employer brand – With better information, businesses can identify the kinds of skills they need, and where they need them, to achieve their short and long term plans.

One important step is to include and integrate workforce planning into business planning from the start, instead of treating talent as an afterthought. This requires strong board support on talent sourcing and management, and tight on-going collaboration between HR and the business.

Managing and capitalizing on talent shall no longer be a role for just HR function alone. Talent and business strategy must go hand in hand. Otherwise, a big gap is likely to happen between what you aim to do and your ability to do it.