As part of our continuous improvement efforts to better serve our clients and partners, MacroStrategy has recently acquired a strategic partnership with a leading
authority on e. Learning & e. Training in the region.

We at MacroStrategy recognize the importance of training & development; one key to building and sustaining a high performing organization is developing leaders and employees.

Why e. Learning & e. Training:

The biggest predicament an organization must solve is to put together a spending rational, i.e., a cost justified, business case why they should spend capital to invest in a learning & e. Training management system and programs.

Here are some insights for you to explore to help you outline the benefits of web-based training
and ROI when looking at the cost of traditional training methods vs. e. Training.

The benefit:


Creating a Global Workforce: Web-based training is a powerful instrument for developing a regional and even global work force. Web-based training can deliver custom, sophisticated
instruction to employees wherever they are.

Adjusting to Employee Wants and Needs — Commercial and demographic shifts has fueled the growth of telecommuting, virtual offices, job-sharing, and flextime. Delivering training via the
Internet overcomes the obstacles imposed by the geographical spread of workforce.

Retaining Valued Employees: Education has become a critical criterion in a company’s or organization’s employee benefits portfolio. Employees in today’s new economy are not as afraid
to move to a new position if they feel their interests and career welfare are better provided for in a different environment. Web-based training programs that offer certifications, college and
graduate school education, and other important job skills become powerful incentives for an employee to stay.

Increasing Productivity and Profitability: e. Learning & e. Training programs increase employee knowledge and skill levels. As they become more productive and efficient at their job.
An educated, well-trained workforce is the main driver to profitability for today’s businesses.

Tactical Advantages

  • Flexibility to Learn Anytime, Anywhere
  • Reduce Travel and Related Costs
  • Tools for Tracking, Updating, and Managing Training
  • Affordable Per-Participant Costs
  • Just-in-Time Learning
  • Making Updates Easy
  • Administer Competency and Compliance Management

Training Delivery Advantages

  • Consistent Delivery
  • “Learning Object” Architecture Supports on Demand; Personalized Learning
  • Interactive Content, Graphics, videos and Animations
  • Customized Material
  • Self-Paced Programs