
Today, the majority of business leaders are changing their company’s strategy, they describe change as “fundamental”, and necessary in today’s rapidly changing business environment. Nonetheless, in uncertain economic times, changing businesses profoundly is not easy. Few business leaders will make the right choices and achieve the growth they desire – through clear objectives, distinct business model, innovative culture, technologies and metrics. We help your business achieve just that. From strategy to execution, MSC’s senior strategy advisors will help you translate boardroom strategy into action and results, creating distinctive strategies that work.

We can support you with

Strategic planning: Set your ambition, generate and evaluate key initiatives, identify additional options to bridge any gap against your ambition, and also deliver your plan.
Growth strategy: Successful growth strategies are based upon commercializing innovations that deliver different sources of value to your business and stakeholders. We help you develop; structures and culture to enable the new innovations to emerge so that you can accelerate and successfully deliver the benefits from your innovations to the market.

Customer strategy: Customers are at the heart of every business, from business strategy all the way to delivery. We can help you improve; how you target customers; sell product and services; deliver better customer service; engage customers, online, anywhere and use business insight to make better decisions.

Business and technology design: We offer a profound level of industry insight into game-changing technology platforms and innovations thus to inform and achieve your business strategic goals.

Organizational strategy: Achieving strategic alignment requires congruence between an organization’s strategy, and its structures, processes and people. We help you transform your strategic intent into long-term shareholder value, enabling better execution of your strategies in complex and dynamic situations.

Here are some familiar indications:

  • You are losing market share to competition (traditional and/or new).
  • Your costs are growing faster than revenues.
  • Your company is under-performing relative to its competitors.
  • Your innovation strategy does not link to your growth objectives.
  • Recent products have failed to deliver expected margin improvements.
  • You want to improve the total customer experience and monitor drivers of customer satisfaction, retention or experience.
  • Your company’s stock price is flat or declining.
  • Your business unable to keep pace with social media and changing customer demands.
  • You want to understand your exposure in relation to different markets, customers, partners and suppliers, and be confident that you have in place the right investment portfolio.
  • You want independent, objective evaluation and validation of your management strategy, including whether you have the right mix of businesses.
  • You are contemplating or recently completed a merger or acquisition.

Why MsC

  • In-depth experiences. We turn strategic insights into operational realities by bringing a mix of strategic, functional and technical professionals.
  • Profound industry experience. We bring deep sector knowledge and informed points of view about the markets and competitors.
  • Practical approach. We combine these capabilities to develop strategies that can be executed – and can help implement those strategies.
  • Independent yet fresh perspective. We bring unconventional approach with a different perspective than a traditional strategy house.
  • We use creative analysis and industry experience to validate our insights.
  • With access to world-class capabilities of our firm network, we deliver solutions that work.
  • Our style is to get things done, we work with clients at all levels to get things done. Our team gets great feedback from our clients on how pleased they are to work with us.